I couldn't resist turning around and going back over the bridge this morning to shoot both views on either side. The big moon and the rising bright sun seemed to be in a harmonious and at the same time contrasting coincidence. I did feel precarious there on the bridge with traffic whizzing by, so I didn't take the time to consider framing, composition and settings on the camera. It seemed I was just after what was there and that was enough! Here are the photos... I only took two.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Sullivan Harbor Afternoon
I went to Sullivan Harbor as the sun was setting this afternoon to shoot some pictures of the little island that I have photographed so many times and I found I was somewhat distracted from it as the main subject as I had intended. The color on the ice, the contrasts that were happening as the light got lower and lower, and the patterns on the ice became much more attractive visually, so that's more of what I ended up shooting for imagery. I'm posting three that I worked on a bit to bring out some detail in shadows and clarity in the reflected light.
Windy, Sunny & Cold
Matt and I went out into the front field this morning because he was looking for something to do and I thought the sunny day was so beautiful. The snow has melted down to small patches in the field and all the vegetation seems so dry and dormant, but the water in the bay is so alive with color and texture that it seems inspiring.
We talked about the similarities between some of the colors that are over the ice and such being similar to the tropics. The azure greens and the blues are gorgeous, and when I got the images back to the computer I decided not to touch them as I liked them the way they were. Matt has been home for the weekend and we've spent a lot of time together. In a great mood, his intellect, appreciation of that which is around him, and unusual perspective on a variety of topics make it an interesting time.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Burnout in Sullivan
It is so sad to see anyone lose whatever they have accumulated as it is so hard to get ahead without substantial resources. Fire has been a devastating cause of heartache and loss of lives this winter, and there seems to be no end, as the colder it is the more heat is required to survive.
The photo I am posting is of a house burned out near the High School in Sullivan, and I was struck by the very real sense of loss and abandonment from several points of view. The fire, of course, and the resulting loss from that, but also the objects that were left at the scene, the things frozen into the ground and the missing windows all lent more detail to the paint inflicted by fire.
The photo uses the setting sun as a backdrop on the trees behind the building, and that contrast to the blue tint of the building increases the sense of severity in the shot. I took a number of these and as I thought about the above I was trying to balance values in the composition. The photo tells the story.
The photo I am posting is of a house burned out near the High School in Sullivan, and I was struck by the very real sense of loss and abandonment from several points of view. The fire, of course, and the resulting loss from that, but also the objects that were left at the scene, the things frozen into the ground and the missing windows all lent more detail to the paint inflicted by fire.
The photo uses the setting sun as a backdrop on the trees behind the building, and that contrast to the blue tint of the building increases the sense of severity in the shot. I took a number of these and as I thought about the above I was trying to balance values in the composition. The photo tells the story.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Sandy's Last Photo
Our cat passed away today. He was 14 years old and a dear companion. Easy going, friendly and dependable he would often wait for us at the door to get home in the afternoons. His presence is missed already as we prepare to retire for the evening and there is no cat bed next to ours, no soft purring of contentment as he joins us in the bedroom. It seems like last week was too much death and I didn't really feel like facing the blog here and maintaining and "upbeat", but as soon as we get used to one thing another comes along. Sad. We will miss him.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
The Bay Is Next
The deep freeze we are in really begins to solidify the salt water of the bay. The wind has kept the water moving and so the ice has had a problem setting in, but if it stays cold much longer it is inevitable to freeze over. Again here the contrast of the visual and the practical arouses my interest and the images are ones I have shot so many times and yet are always different!
The textures of the water and the wind blown edge of the ice are really nice here in this and I like the glow of the sun over those differing reflective surfaces.
The "Ice-cakes" are so unique to the salt water tides, I've always loved their shapes into forms and how they reflect light as well.
The textures of the water and the wind blown edge of the ice are really nice here in this and I like the glow of the sun over those differing reflective surfaces.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Frozen Mud Creek
On the way into school and the "creek" was very frozen. Cold this morning and yet more cold coming, so the contrast between the (apparent) warmth of the sun with its bright orange and such and the cold blue ice is the "hook" here.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Going Mobile
This post is from my phone while having supper at Denny's in Ellsworth. We planned to go see "Lincoln", but I read the paper wrong or something and it was only playing at one o'clock, so we will go see it tomorrow it looks like. I've heard some very good things about the film and I'm hoping that it lives up to the hype.
So the photo I'm posting is a close up of Jen's iced tea, wet, cool and refreshing.
So the photo I'm posting is a close up of Jen's iced tea, wet, cool and refreshing.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Foggy Headed Morning Blues
I think I need to write a song around the foggy-headed morning concept. I really felt as though I was quite foggy this morning on the way in to school. I think the cycles of life sort of caught up with me and brain cells were firing rather slowly. Working around that was even harder given the state of the atmosphere this morning. I stopped to take this shot on the Mud Creek Road. Somewhat blue, isn't it?
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
I'm not sure whether this is a positive or a negative thought/feeling, but after the "dealing with death" yesterday I read online through Caring Bridge that one of my student's Mom passed away today. While I wonder why this happens to such a young person (and I know it happens to those even younger) and the tears keep coming to my eyes as I think about it, I sense the "spirit" and the emotion makes me aware that there is more than we can know, that there is more than we can ever actually see for ourselves. We can still be saddened, but at the same time must move forward with where we have been placed and where we will be placed as events unfold in our lives. Ashes to ashes, this photo I took the other night thinking that something was about to happen that it would somehow represent. Not much of a photo, but ashes aren't much of a subject.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Gorilla Brushes
A celebration of life (funeral) this weekend brings me again to the somber side of reality and forces me toward making some sort of sense from all the activity around me and those I love. Every time I raise my "gorilla" brushes and move toward a visual realization of something vague yet real in my mind (...is it the imagination or perhaps the subconscious?) I am brought toward Matt's reality and find myself looking for meaning in the ugly and harsh aspects of daily life.
Oh, I see and believe in the beautiful, but there are always two sides that make us all whole in so many ways, and I feel like there is a need to balance the both continuously. I have had an hour or so to work in the studio this morning and that is precious time for me, but my responsibility to my students and my school is rising in my mind and I have a long list of things to do, so that is where I am now heading! Here's a shot of one of my Gorilla brushes with a recent sketch begun in the background.

Friday, January 11, 2013
Northern Sky, Southern Sky
Monday, January 7, 2013
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Surprise Snow on Sunday
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Happy Birthday Jackson
He did have a quiet moment or two this evening, with a momentary quest into the mysteries of the iPhone (his parents are very glad that he gets bored with it quickly) in the dim light of evening.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Preparing in the Studio
Pretty much doing some screen printing the night before Jackson's birthday on a bunch of t-shirts I bought last summer for this occasion. Prepped the screen, cut the stencil, and did a dozen or so prints for the grandson.
Thursday, January 3, 2013

I've got more "wet darkroom" classes this year than I ever have, and I find it fascinating that students are so interested in the "old school" version of photography. Don't get me wrong, I love digital photography and the ease with which one can capture an image, but shooting film definitely slows me (and I hope my students) down to where each shot has much more significance around lighting, composition and how the subject is interpreted.
The piece I'm posting here is one I did with my students while they were working, which is for me one of the aspects of teaching ART that I like best; it allows the teacher to be a "doer" or "maker", and throws out that old premise "If you can't do, teach". If you are an ART teacher, you should be "doing" and learning right along with your students!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
First Work of 2013 & More

Also I have a "mobile photo" that was shot with the "Hipster" app and double exposed. I have a single exposure that I shot first and it is great quality, but it lacks the feeling and visual "draw" that the double exposure possesses.
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