I think part of my impetuous approach to everything, but especially to my art, is that I love the revealing, the "new" that comes from seeing things in a different way. Nothing is "old" or uninteresting, but circumstance and perception is revealing constant insight to whatever lies in wait for visual discovery. "Finding" does not just rely on the acuteness of a person's perception either, but it goes into the receptiveness of thought and the opening and clearing of the mind to allow all of those "things", those ideas, feelings and loves that we accumulate during our daily wanderings to leap forth and delight us in discovery.
The dark side is something that I have experienced in the past, am experiencing as I write this and will most likely continue to experience in the future from time to time. Sure, I get lost in it and forget how disappointing the end results from too much time in the dark can be, but it never stays once I figure the source... and coming out of the "dark side" is often so refreshing and enlightening. An exception is that my niece is having some tough nights (dark side dreams and thoughts) from the trauma I imposed on her through my recent medication lapse into coma. I wasn't there to see it, but I am still feeling second-hand effects from drawing the spirits of family members into the dark side.
So, here's some stuff... the first photo is simply a "lifting" of lighter colors from a garden photo of the meager corn stalks in our garden (but yet a "fall" and Halloween-ish symbol) with PhotoShop and then dropping them on a black background, period. I can see all kinds of figures in those stalks dancing around and enjoying their own "light". We should all do that more, eh?

The second image is of one of the trees on the shore that I shot last night waiting for my two brothers-in-law to get in from an afternoon sail to Bar Harbor. They were about 2 hours after dark because they were working against the wind on the way back and even that died out once they got into the bay. I had my camera in "nightshot" mode and got some "spooky" pictures. I put a portrait of myself under that image and got something I sort of like... drawn into the trees, the earth.