Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Devil Face
The semester winds down, the new one starts up, and all I'm teaching this semester is photography, with three section of Black & White and three sections of Digital. I'm somewhat worried that I may not have so much time for "hand media", and I did a Keynote for my students of the work I had accomplished over the first semester, so I figure I may post a few of those here in the near future.
tissue collage, colored pencil, ink 12X12 inches
tissue collage, colored pencil, ink 12X12 inches
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Pencil Drawing...
...boy, are they hard to photograph! I need to work on some techniques for this because sometimes a student's best work is done in graphite and the reflective surface is hard to photograph.
Example posted.
Example posted.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Apple Tree, Morning & Dusk With a Stone in the Evening
The apple tree down front by the water is a constant inspiration in terms of my aesthetics, and so I never hesitate to photograph it whenever the opportunity for a new image presents itself. Yesterday (I never got around to a post as the day was very busy) was no exception and it presented itself both in the morning and in the evening.
Here's the post with the stone as well. I love the night time flash.
Here's the post with the stone as well. I love the night time flash.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Through the Window, Lightly... Snow
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Faculty/Staff Show at MDI HS "Glimses"
We had the opening for the staff show tonight after school in the Wing Gallery. The teachers all went down after the monthly faculty meeting, and Dan had arranged "gallery" food and all, so it was a great get together! Some excellent work by everyone, and very well received.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Dusk on Snowshoes
... and here are three more from my Alpha with a 300mm telephoto.
Today was a very busy day with the camera.
Today was a very busy day with the camera.
Cell Phone Photos
Just amazing for me to think back a decade ago and the old Sony 3.5 inch disk cameras. I thought they were the best thing ever, and now even the phone I carry in my pocket can take better pictures. Here are three from today. I've made a "holder for my iPhone that gives me more control for the "macro" shots. Also the "Doll" photo was taken with an app that makes the photos look old fashioned. Remember the old square format snapshots. Really Cool!
Early Morning Moon

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Late Afternoon Snowshoeing... Again
Today I finished up a bunch of schoolwork and then thought I would catch the very brief late afternoon sunlight, so I headed East on my snowshoes through the various borders of bushes and alders that serve as boundaries between the lots along the shore of Flanders Bay. The snow was deep at times, especially where it had drifted over the thicker patches of bush, and was well over my knees on several occasions. I took about 60 pictures and will post a few that were the most meaningful to me and, interestingly were shot closest to home. I guess it just proves the point that you don't don't have to look very far to find an interesting subject.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Late Afternoon Showshoeing
I took the HX1 out with me up behind David Cadigan's with brother Dave fro a trail trek this afternoon before it got dark and got a couple of panoramic shots and more. I doctored the small pines cones one and a couple of the others and not sure I like so much, but here they are.
Schoodic Mountain...
Schoodic Mountain...
Early Afternoon On the Shore
I posted 30 of the photos from this group that I took early this afternoon. I was standing over the bed folding clothes and realized that I had to go outside with my camera. I was going out to shovel around front to Matt's doorway anyhow, so I got some great pictures. I shot around 60 in this group and selected 30 of them to post to FaceBook right from iPhoto, so that was easy! Here are two of my favorites below!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Snow Day, Snow Day...
The tree again, with the bay providing the darker background as there is no ice and snow on it yet, but it's only January and there's a lot of winter yet to come. The wind is really roaring across the bay tonight, and it looks like an early morning to get out and clean up the driveway!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Snow Shoes After School
Monday, January 10, 2011
HDR... Hmmmmm... I Like the Side Effects!
Like with this photo I got of George in the hallway outside his room with a couple of other teachers. George seems pretty laid back, taking it all in, while the other two are energetically active, or at the least animated, over something in the discussion. The HDR automation in PhotoShop applied to a set of burst shots like this gives an effect that would otherwise be difficult to achieve. Pretty cool what it does to the colors, and the transparencies of the separate figures in the piece. More adjustments could be made, but I left it just as it was finished.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Choices... Anything is Possible
High Dynamic Range and such has been something I have been reading about quite a bit lately and I'm not sure... should the photographer use every tool available to obtain the image that seems the best? I understand the difficulty of shooting a picture that has darks and lights in conflict with one another, but to make something that gives us more information than the human eye can just doesn't seem natural, and of course, it isn't. So the difference is what I am looking at as I post these two identical (well, they are the same picture, I have just pulled more information out of the shadows and placed a little bit more in the highlights to give it an extended dynamic range. While one might see more information, it still doesn't seem natural to me. You judge. I took this shot in my studio while I was downloading 3 hours of video from last Friday's Senior Exhibition. It went great and I may post some things from it after I get my act together!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Knitting and Snowing
I also took a flash shot of the snow coming down in front of the house. I never tire of taking photographs of that tree, it is an amazing thing of beauty! The various sizes of the snowflakes as the flash hit them at different depths gives an interesting sense of three dimensional space to this shot!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Snowshoeing... First Hike
The muse is always with me. I feel like I got little accomplished for school during vacation, but I'm told that might be a good thing! Here's the tree... an establishing shot and the good one.
Song Again...
Here I've shot a few pictures of the Song of India plant with my Sony HX1 just to compare... hmmm... with low-res Interweb pictures it seems to me that the simple cell phone holds it own! Whadya think?
This one is very grainy as it was almost dark, and I would have problems to overcome with this (if I were concerned with improving it) concerning lighting and such, but I shot it in a dim room light after dark. The grain doesn't bother me for some reason, I think because it adds to the abstract nature of the shot.
This second one (there were several others, but these stand out to me) is a lot sharper, and the product was part of an experiment with the flash with back-lighting. It's amazing how one simple subject can lead to all sorts of experimentation and variety (to a degree) of images!
This one is very grainy as it was almost dark, and I would have problems to overcome with this (if I were concerned with improving it) concerning lighting and such, but I shot it in a dim room light after dark. The grain doesn't bother me for some reason, I think because it adds to the abstract nature of the shot.
This second one (there were several others, but these stand out to me) is a lot sharper, and the product was part of an experiment with the flash with back-lighting. It's amazing how one simple subject can lead to all sorts of experimentation and variety (to a degree) of images!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Song of India (Ryan's Plant)

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