Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Crabbers in the Front Yard & Table

It's funny how people that obviously aren't from "around heah" sometimes react to the ocean and especially the intertidal zone. These two kids were likely staying at the campground up the bay and they found, among the rocks on our shore, a great source of fun and adventure in picking up crabs. I talked to them and they had accents that placed them in the south (maybe Portland or Scarborough, heh, heh), but a youthful energy (well, the youngest one at least) for finding these elusive creatures of the sea and the adventure resulting. I suggested that they gather a bunch and bring them back to their parents to "cook up", as they are very tasty, but they couldn't imagine eating such a thing!

My table for the Children's Museum auction is primed and ready to paint. I have a general idea of the theme for the piece being a boat floating in the ocean, with the try painted as the hull of a boat (you know, wood grain with planks and ribs and such on the inside and maybe a waterline and a name on the outside) and the legs painted as the depths of the sea and its creatures with maybe posts coming out of the water and rocks and ledges in between. The photo is in-progress and shows the alterations I made to the legs and the table top for the ocean effect. Excuse the mess in my studio, I've been busy!

We are going to New Hampshire (via Portland, Maine) for a few days and the weekend, so I may or may not be able to post here, but I will bring my " 'puter" and make an effort.

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