Not a 4:30 rise, I manage a few extra hours of sleep on the weekend, but this morning I got accidentally dosed with caffeine instead of decafe and I started flying early.
I figured I would save an image of my workout space as I spend a hour a day there, starting with aerobic on recumbent bike and then weights on my "gym". The nice thing is that I can watch TV (arts programs, stuff I've taped, or even a movie (that takes a couple of mornings) or the sports networks) or if I just want to listen to music that's a possibility too.

Been helping clean this morning as the "pig sty" had gotten bad (not my words) and help is always needed to clean showers, move big stuff (sofa bed) and rearrange furniture. I happen to catch "Sandy the Cat" in some great light lying on the rug. I took 15 or 20 shots of him and will post one here.
Also caught up with school stuff and the wikis that drive a couple of my extra-curricula activities and even put together

6 sets of fused-glass earrings to fire and am now waiting for them to cool. Picture of them annealing in the kiln is posted. Odd jobs abound today (won't get much done tomorrow as we are taking Matt to Bangor and I will take down student work from the Mall Show) and I've planed down sticking doors, put up woodwork trim, and repaired damaged windows. Imagine! All of this in just one day and it's only 2 p.m.! I expect to crash around 6:30 tonight!